Obsidian/Recognition/Work Related/프로젝트/스마트계류장/1.데이터베이스/SACP_AC_MASTER 갱신.md

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drop table uic.tmp_ac_master;

 create table uic.tmp_ac_master as
 select ac_reg_no, ac_ty_icao, ac_ty_iata, ac_grad, ARLN_CD_IATA, arln_cd_icao
 from (
 select a.ac_reg_no
 	, nvl((select UCM.fun_get_cmmn_ref('CT063', a.ac_ty_iata, 1) from dual), a.ac_ty_icao) as ac_ty_icao
 	, a.ac_ty_iata
 	, a.ac_grad
    , b.ARLN_CD_IATA 
    , (select uic.fun_arln_Iata2Icao(b.ARLN_CD_IATA) from dual ) as arln_cd_icao
from uic.V_FLT_ARR_ALL a, uic.SACP_FLT_SCHDUL b 
where a.arr_no = b.SCHDUL_NO 
and a.ac_ty_icao is not null
and a.ac_ty_iata is not null
and a.ac_reg_no is not null
and b.FLT_SE = 'A'
union all
select a.ac_reg_no
 	, nvl((select UCM.fun_get_cmmn_ref('CT063', a.ac_ty_iata, 1) from dual), a.ac_ty_icao) as ac_ty_icao
 	, a.ac_ty_iata
 	, a.ac_grad
    , b.ARLN_CD_IATA 
    , (select uic.fun_arln_Iata2Icao(b.ARLN_CD_IATA) from dual ) as arln_cd_icao
from uic.V_FLT_DEP_ALL a, uic.SACP_FLT_SCHDUL b 
where a.dep_no = b.SCHDUL_NO 
and a.ac_ty_icao is not null
and a.ac_ty_iata is not null
and a.ac_reg_no is not null
and b.FLT_SE = 'D'
group by ac_reg_no, ac_ty_icao, ac_ty_iata, ac_grad, ARLN_CD_IATA, arln_cd_icao

 drop table uic.tmp_reg_ex_list;
 create table uic.tmp_reg_ex_list as 
 select ac_reg_no
 from uic.tmp_ac_master
 group by ac_reg_no
 having count(ac_reg_no) > 1

select *
from ucm.SACP_AC_MASTER a, uic.tmp_ac_master b
where a.AC_REG_NO = b.ac_reg_no
and a.ac_reg_no not in (
  select ac_reg_no from uic.tmp_reg_ex_list )

  select *
  from uic.tmp_ac_master
update ucm.SACP_AC_MASTER a
set (ac_ty_icao, a.ac_ty_iata, ac_grad, arln_cd_iata, arln_cd_icao)
= (select c.ac_ty_icao, c.ac_ty_iata, c.ac_grad, c.arln_cd_iata, c.arln_cd_icao
	from uic.tmp_ac_master c
	where a.ac_reg_no = c.ac_reg_no
	and c.ac_reg_no not in ( select ac_reg_no from uic.tmp_reg_ex_list )
where ac_reg_no in ( 
    select ac_reg_no from uic.tmp_ac_master )

select *