Obsidian/Recognition/Programing/MariaDB/테이블 일괄 생성.md

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truncate table tbl_info 

insert into tbl_info

select distinct tbl_id, tbl_user, tbl_id, tbl_nm, tbl_desc 
from tbl_info dde 
order by cast(seq as integer)

-- 테이블 삭제
select distinct concat('Drop table ', tbl_user, '.', tbl_id, ';') as drpotbl
from tbl_info dde 
order by cast(seq as integer)

-- 테이블 생성
select tnm, ty, nullyn, def, com
from (
	select distinct 0 as sor
					, 0 as idx
					, tbl_id
					, concat('Create table ', tbl_user, '.', tbl_id, ' (') as tnm
					, '' ty
					, '' nullyn
					, '' def
					, '' com
	from tbl_info dde 
	union all
	select 1 as sor
		 , seq as idx
		 , tbl_id
	 	 , col_id as col_lend
	 	 , concat(col_ty, (case when col_len is null then '' else concat('(', col_len, ')') end )) as ty
	 	 , case when defv is not null then concat( ' default '
	 	 									, case when col_ty = 'VARCHAR' 
	 	 										 then concat('''', defv, '''') -- varchar인경우
	 	 										 when col_ty = 'TIMESTAMP' and instr(defv, ' \n') > 0  -- 하드코딩
	 	 										 	then concat('to_date(''', replace(defv, ' \n', ''), '''', ', ''yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'')')
	 	 										 when col_ty = 'NUMBER'
	 	 										 	then replace(defv, ',', '')  -- 천단위 콤마제거
	 	 										 else nvl(defv, '')
	 	 									 ) else null end as def
	 	 , case when nullyn = 'O' then ' Not NULL ' else '' end as nullyn
		 , ',' as com
	from tbl_info dde 
	union all
	select distinct 2 as sor
					, 9999 as idx
					, tbl_id
					, ' ); \n\n' as tnm
					, '' ty
					, '' nullyn
					, '' def
					, '' com
	from tbl_info dde 
) c
-- where tbl_id = 'SACP_MOTION'
order by tbl_id, sor, idx

-- pk
                    ' ADD CONSTRAINT PK_', 
                    ' PRIMARY KEY (', 
                    GROUP_CONCAT(col_id SEPARATOR ', '),  
                    ');' ) AS tbl_pk 
from tbl_info dde 
where pkyn = 'O'
-- and tbl_id = 'SACP_MOTION'
group by tbl_id
order by cast(tbl_no as integer)

select distinct concat('COMMENT ON table ', 
                       tbl_user, '.', tbl_id,
                       ' IS ', 
	               			nvl2(tbl_desc, ' (', ''), 
	               			nvl2(tbl_desc, ')', ''),
              ';')  as col_comment
from tbl_info dde 
where tbl_id = 'SACP_MOTION'
order by cast(seq as integer)

select *
from (
 select concat('COMMENT ON COLUMN ', 
                       concat(tbl_user, '.', tbl_id,'.', col_id),
                       ' IS ', 
                       concat('''', concat(col_nm, nvl2(replace(bigo, '''', ''), ' (', ''), replace(nvl(bigo,''), '''', ''), nvl2(bigo, ')', '')), '''')
                       , ';')  as col_comment
from tbl_info dde 
order by cast(seq as integer)
) a
where col_comment is not null