Obsidian/Recognition/Work Related/프로젝트/스마트계류장/1.데이터베이스/산출물작업/데이터사전정의서.md

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-- create table datadic_dup as
select *
from datadic_new a
where not exists ( 
 select 's'
 from datadic_old b
 where a.item = b.item )
and not exists ( 
 select 's'
 from datadic_old b
 where a.item_ko = b.item_ko )
 and not exists ( 
 select 's'
 from datadic_sacp b
 where a.item = b.item )
and not exists ( 
 select 's'
 from datadic_sacp b
 where a.item_ko = b.item_ko )
and item_ko not like '%.%'
and item_ko not like '%-%'
and item_ko not like '%,%'
and item_ko not like '%(%'
and item_ko not like '%~%'
and item_ko not like '%/%'
and item_ko not like '%요함'
and item_ko not like '%는'
and item_ko not like '%의'
and item_ko not like '%하다'
and item_ko not like '%의한'
and item_ko not like '%또는%'
and item not in ('UHDT', 'TECR', 'PRFG', 'ENR', 'RTE', 'OCA', 'R', 'VA')
and item not like '%..'
and length(item) <> 1
order by item_ko

update datadic_dup
set crt_date = '2022-11-11'
, useyn  = '사용중'
, gbn = '표준어'

select *
from datadic_dup
where length(item) <> 1
order by cast(seq as integer)