Obsidian/Recognition/Work Related/프로젝트/스마트계류장/1.데이터베이스/주기장 기준 항공기 유무 확인 쿼리(GAM).md

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select nvl(standid, a.std_stand_no) as stand_no
	 , decode(standid, null, 'N', 'Y') as ac_stand_yn
	 , acregno as ac_reg_no
	 , acstype as ac_ty
	 , AC_GRAD AS AC_GRAD -- 항공기 등급(ICAO)
	 , PREDON_DT AS exp_stand_on_dt
    , PREDOFF_DT AS exp_stand_off_dt
    , ACTLON_DT AS actl_stand_on_dt
from (select ucm.FUN_PRE_ZERO_REMOVE(replace(a.stand_no, '00', '')) as std_stand_no
          , decode(b.STAND_NO, null, 'N', 'Y') as cctv_yn
    from ucm.SACP_STAND a, ucm.SACP_CCTVID_MAPPING b
    where a.STAND_NO = b.STAND_NO (+)
    and a.DSTRCT_TY in ( 'AF02003', 'AF02004', 'AF02007', 'AF02009' ) ) a,
(select standid
	 , acregno
	 , acstype
	 , icaoAcCat AS AC_GRAD -- 항공기 등급(ICAO)
	 , ucm.fun_utc_tm(predOnDate||predOnTime) AS PREDON_DT -- 예상 주기장 도착 시각
    , ucm.fun_utc_tm(predOffDate||predOffTime) AS PREDOFF_DT -- 예상 주기장 출발 시각
    , ucm.fun_utc_tm(actlOnDate||actlOnTime) AS ACTLON_DT -- 실제 주기장 도착 시각
from ueai.EAI_GRDACMVT_RCV a, 
  ( select standid as standid_std, max(dateandtime) as if_dt_max
	from ueai.EAI_GRDACMVT_RCV  
	where predonDate > to_char(sysdate -2, 'yyyymmdd')
	and standid is not null
	and ACTLONTIME is not null
	group by standid ) b
where 1=1  
and a.STANDID = b.standid_std
and a.DATEANDTIME = b.if_dt_max
and ACTLONTIME is not null
and ACTLOFFTIME is null ) b
where a.std_stand_no = b.standid(+)
order by stand_no