```sql with tbl as ( select * from (SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(:V_ToMonth||'01','YYYYMMDD') -1 + LEVEL, 'YYYYMMDD') AS ymd FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 31 ) d , (select * from ucm.sacp_report_times where dt_se = 'M') hm ) select m.DSTRCT_TY, m.stand_no, ac_grad, ac_ty, t.ymd, t.hh, count(*) as use_min, count(distinct m.gam_id||m.gam_se) as use_co from ( select a.stand_no , ucm.fun_kst_tm(ACTL_STAND_ON_de||actl_stand_on_tm) as on_dt , ucm.fun_kst_tm(ACTL_STAND_OFF_de||actl_stand_OFF_tm) as off_dt , ac_grad , ac_ty_iata as ac_ty , b.DSTRCT_TY , a.gam_id, a.gam_se from uic.SACP_GAM_LAST a, (select ucm.FUN_PRE_ZERO_REMOVE(replace(a.stand_no, '00', '')) as stand_no , decode(b.STAND_NO, null, 'N', 'Y') as cctv_yn , a.DSTRCT_TY from ucm.SACP_STAND a, ucm.SACP_CCTVID_MAPPING b where a.STAND_NO = b.STAND_NO (+) and a.DSTRCT_TY in ( 'AF02003', 'AF02004', 'AF02007') -- Aprong3, Apron4, Maintain )b where a.STAND_NO = b.STAND_NO ) m, tbl t where t.ymd||t.hh||t.mi between m.on_dt and m.off_dt and t.ymd = V_TODAY and t.hh between V_PreHour and V_ToHour group by m.DSTRCT_TY, m.stand_no, ac_grad, ac_ty, t.ymd, t.hh -- 특정 주기장 특정 시간대 사용량/시간(분) 확인 with tbl as ( select * from (SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(:V_ToMonth||'01','YYYYMMDD') -1 + LEVEL, 'YYYYMMDD') AS ymd FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 31 ) d , (select * from ucm.sacp_report_times where dt_se = 'M') hm ) select m.DSTRCT_TY, m.stand_no, ac_grad, ac_ty, t.ymd, t.hh, count(*) as use_min, count(distinct m.gam_id||m.gam_se) as use_co from ( select a.stand_no , ucm.fun_kst_tm(ACTL_STAND_ON_de||actl_stand_on_tm) as on_dt , ucm.fun_kst_tm(ACTL_STAND_OFF_de||actl_stand_OFF_tm) as off_dt , ac_grad , ac_ty_iata as ac_ty , b.DSTRCT_TY , a.gam_id, a.gam_se from uic.SACP_GAM_LAST a, (select ucm.FUN_PRE_ZERO_REMOVE(replace(a.stand_no, '00', '')) as stand_no , decode(b.STAND_NO, null, 'N', 'Y') as cctv_yn , a.DSTRCT_TY from ucm.SACP_STAND a, ucm.SACP_CCTVID_MAPPING b where a.STAND_NO = b.STAND_NO (+) and a.DSTRCT_TY in ( 'AF02003', 'AF02004', 'AF02007') -- Aprong3, Apron4, Maintain )b where a.STAND_NO = b.STAND_NO ) m, tbl t where t.ymd||t.hh||t.mi between m.on_dt and m.off_dt and t.ymd = '20240820' and t.hh between '09' and '10' and stand_no = '233' group by m.DSTRCT_TY, m.stand_no, ac_grad, ac_ty, t.ymd, t.hh -- 특정 주기장 raw데이터 확인 select * from uic.SACP_GAM_LAST where stand_no = '233' and ucm.fun_kst_tm(ACTL_STAND_ON_de||actl_stand_on_tm) >= '20240820'||'0600' order by ACTL_STAND_ON_de, actl_stand_on_tm -- 특정 주기장 집계 결과 확인 select * from ucm.SACP_STATS_STAND_POSSESN_TIME where stats_date = '20240820' and stats_hour = '11' and stand_no = '233' -- 주기장 사용량 재 집계 merge into UCM.SACP_STATS_STAND_POSSESN_TIME tgt using ( with tbl as ( select * from (SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(:V_ToMonth||'01','YYYYMMDD') -1 + LEVEL, 'YYYYMMDD') AS ymd FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 31 ) d , (select * from ucm.sacp_report_times where dt_se = 'M') hm ) select m.DSTRCT_TY, m.stand_no, ac_grad, ac_ty, t.ymd, t.hh, count(*) as use_min, count(distinct m.gam_id||m.gam_se) as use_co from ( select a.stand_no , ucm.fun_kst_tm(ACTL_STAND_ON_de||actl_stand_on_tm) as on_dt , ucm.fun_kst_tm(ACTL_STAND_OFF_de||actl_stand_OFF_tm) as off_dt , ac_grad , ac_ty_iata as ac_ty , b.DSTRCT_TY , a.gam_id, a.gam_se from uic.SACP_GAM_LAST a, (select ucm.FUN_PRE_ZERO_REMOVE(replace(a.stand_no, '00', '')) as stand_no , decode(b.STAND_NO, null, 'N', 'Y') as cctv_yn , a.DSTRCT_TY from ucm.SACP_STAND a, ucm.SACP_CCTVID_MAPPING b where a.STAND_NO = b.STAND_NO (+) and a.DSTRCT_TY in ( 'AF02003', 'AF02004', 'AF02007') -- Aprong3, Apron4, Maintain )b where a.STAND_NO = b.STAND_NO ) m, tbl t where t.ymd||t.hh||t.mi between m.on_dt and m.off_dt and t.ymd = '20240820' and t.hh between '08' and '10' group by m.DSTRCT_TY, m.stand_no, ac_grad, ac_ty, t.ymd, t.hh ) src on ( tgt.stats_date = src.ymd and tgt.stats_hour = src.hh and tgt.stand_no = src.stand_no and tgt.ac_ty = src.ac_ty ) when Matched then update set tgt.use_time = tgt.use_time + (src.use_min - tgt.use_time) , tgt.use_co = tgt.use_co + (src.use_co - tgt.use_co) , updusr_id = 'System' , updt_dt = systimestamp when not matched then insert (stats_date, stats_hour, stand_no, ac_ty, DSTRCT_TY, ac_grad, use_time, use_CO, REGISTER_ID, REGIST_DT) values( src.ymd, src.hh, src.stand_no, nvl(src.ac_ty, '.'), src.DSTRCT_TY, src.ac_grad, src.use_min, src.use_co, 'System', systimestamp ) ; ```