``` sql select sess_id, used_blk from v$transaction; select sid, serial#, sql_id, PREV_SQL_ID from v$session where sid = 287; alter system kill session( 287, 9446203); --session event select tid, "DESC", total_waits, total_timeouts, time_waited, average_wait, max_wait from V$SESSION_EVENT where 1=1 and tid in ( '482' ) --()부분에 sid입력 and time_waited > 0 order by 1,time_waited desc select tid, "DESC", total_waits, total_timeouts, time_waited, average_wait, max_wait, b.sql_text, b.ipaddr from V$SESSION_EVENT a, ( SELECT a.sid, max(c.sql_text) as sql_text, max(a.ipaddr) as ipaddr FROM V$SESSION A,V$LOCK B, V$SQL C where a.sid = b.sess_id and state in ( 'RUNNING') and ipaddr <> '' AND C.SQL_ID = A.SQL_ID group by a.sid ) b where 1=1 and tid = b.sid and time_waited > 0 order by 1,time_waited desc ```