Obsidian/Recognition/Work Related/프로젝트/스마트계류장/항공용어/약어표.md

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2023-08-14 16:19:25 +00:00
#스마트계류장 #항공관제
- A-CDM (Airport -Collaborative Decision Making)
- ACGT (Actual Commence of Ground handling Time )
- ACZT (Actual Commence of De-icing Time )
- ADS-B (Automatic Dependence Surveillance-Broadcast)
- AEZT (Actual End of De-icing Time )
- AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- AIBT (Actual In Block Time )
- AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication)
- ALDT (Actual Landing Time )
- AMOS (Automated Meterological Observation System)
- AOBT (Actual Off Block Time )
- AP (Application Process)
- API (Application Programming Interface)
- APIT (Actual de-icing Pad In Time )
- APOT (Actual de-icing Pad Out Time )
- APP (Approach Control Unit )
- AR (Augmented Reality)
- ARDT (Actual Ready Time for movement )
- ARIT (Actual Ramp In Time )
- AROT (Actual Ramp Out Time )
- ARTS (Automated Radar Terminal System)
- ASAT (Actual Start Up Approval Time )
- ASBT (Actual Start Boarding Time )
- ASDE (Airport Surface Detection Equipment)
- ASDE (EFS ASDE Electric Flight Strip)
- A-SMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System)
- ASR (Airport Surveillance Radar)
- ASRT (Actual Start Up Clearance Request Time )
- ASTERIX (All purpose STructured Eurocontrol suRveillance Information eXchange)
- ATOT (Actual Take Off Time )
- A-VDGS (Advanced Visual Docking Guidance System)
- AXIT (Actual Taxi In Time )
- AXOT (Actual Taxi Out Time )
- CAT (Category)
- CC (Common Criteria)
- CCTV (Closed Circuit TeleVision)
- CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read Only Memory)
- CIQ (Customs, Immigration and Quarantine)
- CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks)
- COTS (Commercial On-The-Shelf)
- CPA (Time Critical Path Analysis)
- CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- CSV (Comma Separated Values)
- CTOT (Calculated Take Off Time )
- DB (Data Base)
- DBMS (Data Base Management System)
- DID (Digital Information Display)
- DMAN (Departure Management)
- DP (Display Port)
- EAI (Enterprise Application Integration)
- EAL (Evaluation Assurance Level)
- EIBT (Estimated In Block Time )
- ELDT (Estimated Landing Time )
- EMS (Enterprise Management System)
- EOBT (Estimated Off Block Time )
- EPIT (Estimated de-icing Pad In Time )
- EPOT (Estimated de-icing Pad Out Time )
- ERIT (Estimated Ramp In Time )
- EROT (Estimated Ramp Out Time )
- ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival)
- ETOT (Estimated Take Off Time )
- EVCS (Emergency Communication Center System)
- EXIT (Estimated Taxi In Time )
- EXOT (Estimated Taxi Out Time )
- FDF (Fiber Distribution Frame)
- FHD (Full High Definition)
- FIR (Flight Information Region )
- FOIS (Flight Operation and Information System,)
- FOV (Field Of View)
- FPL (Flight Plan List)
- FPS (Frames Per Second)
- GBIC (Giga Bitrate Interface Converter)
- GIS (Geographic Information System)
- GPS (Global Positioning System)
- GPU (Graphic Process Unit)
- HBA (Host Bus Adapter)
- HD (High Definition)
- HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
- HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface)
- HMI (Human Machine Interface)
- ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)
- ID (IDentification)
- IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)
- IIS (Incheon airport Information System)
- IMIS (Incheon meteorological Information System)
- IOU (Intersection Over Union)
- IP (Internet Protocol)
- IPS (Intrusion Prevention System)
- ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
- ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication)
- KC (Korea Certification)
- KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency)
- KVM (Keyboard Video Mouse)
- LLWAS (Low Level Wind Shear Alert System)
- LTE-A (Long Term Evolution Advanced)
- MDD (Message Definition Document)
- MLAT (Multilateration)
- MOT (Multiple Object Tracking)
- MTTT (Minimum Turn-around Time )
- NAC (Network Access Control)
- NTP (Network Time Protocol)
- OA (Office Automation)
- OS (Operating System)
- PC (Personal Computer)
- PDC (Pre Departure Clearance)
- PIP (Picture In Picture)
- PL (Project Leader)
- PM (Project Manager)
- PoE (Power of Ethernet)
- PR (Precision Recall)
- PTZ (Pan Tilt Zoom)
- RADAR (RAdio Detection And Ranging)
- RANSAC (RANdom Sample Consensus)
- R-CNN (Regions with Convolutional Neuron Networks features)
- RFP (Request For Proposals)
- ROI (Region Of Interest)
- RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)
- SAN (Storage Area Network)
- SIBT (Scheduled In Block Time )
- SOBT (Scheduled Off Block Time )
- SP (Software Process)
- SQCode (SQuawkCode)
- SSD (Solid State Drive)
- SSD (Single Shot Detector)
- SSPA (Solid State Power Amplifier)
- SSRCode (Secondary Surveillance Radar Code)
- STCA (Short Term Conflict Alert)
- STT (Speech To Text)
- TCPA (Critical Path Analysis)
- TDWR (Terminal Doppeler Weather Radar)
- TOBT (Target Off Block Time )
- TRS (Trunked Radio System)
- TSAT (Target Start Up Approval Time )
- TTA (Telecommunications Technology Association)
- TTOT (Target Take Off Time )
- UHF (Ultra High Frequency)
- UI (User Interface)
- UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)
- USB (Universal Serial Bus)
- UTM (Unified Threat Management)
- UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
- UX (User Experience)
- VCCS (Voice Communication Center System)
- VDGS (Visual Docking Guidance System)
- VHF (Very High Frequency)
- VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
- VR (Virtual Reality)
- VTL (Virtual Tape Library)
- VTT (Variable Taxi Time )
- W/S (WorkStation)
- WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
- WER (Word Error Rate)
- WGS-84 (World Geodetic System-84)
- YOLO (You Only Look Once)
- 무선AP (무선 Access Point)